
Mehtap KILIÇ/Sehit Polis Volkan Sabaz Primary school

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Mehtap KILIÇ/Sehit Polis Volkan Sabaz Primary school

Our Bag

People in today's world; environmental problems, natural disasters, climate change, hunger and poverty, excessive population growth, unconscious use of natural resources, women's problems, education and health problems, industrial problems, ethnic conflict, information problems, terrorism and social inequality state. These problems have reached the global dimensions that threaten the entire humanity by becoming local. In order to leave a sustainable environment for tomorrow, the protection of the world we live in is a subject that all people should feel responsible for. 

Şule EŞGİ Şehit Ahmet Akyol Primary School Turkey

Hunger and poverty

Şule EŞGİ Şehit Ahmet Akyol Primary School Turkey

                                                        Hunger and poverty

“On February 20, 2017, the world awoke to a headline that should have never come about: Famine had been declared in parts of South Sudan, the first to be announced anywhere in the world in six years. This was on top of imminent famine warnings in northern Nigeria, Somalia, and Yemen, putting a total of 20 million people at risk of starvation. The formal famine declaration in South Sudan meant that people were already dying of hunger. Meanwhile, Venezuela’s political turmoil created massive food shortages in both the city and countryside, leaving millions without enough to eat in a region that, overall, has low levels of hunger. As the crisis there escalated and food prices soared, the poor were the first to suffer. Despite years of progress, food security is still under threat. Conflict and climate change are hitting the poorest people the hardest and effectively pitching parts of the world into perpetual crisis. Although it has been said that “hunger does not discriminate,” it does. It emerges the strongest and most persistently among populations that are already vulnerable and disadvantaged. Hunger and inequality are inextricably linked. By committing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the international community promised to eradicate hunger and reduce inequality by 2030. Yet the world is still not on track to reach this target. Inequality takes many forms, and understanding how it leads to or exacerbates hunger is not always straightforward. For example, women and girls comprise 60 percent of the world’s hungry, often the result of deeply rooted social structures that deny women access to education, healthcare, and resources. Likewise, ethnic minorities are often victims of discrimination and experience greater levels of poverty and hunger. Most closely tied to hunger, perhaps, is poverty, the clearest manifestation of societal inequality. Threequarters of the world’s poor live in rural areas, where hunger is typically higher. This year’s essay, authored by Naomi Hossain, research fellow at the Institute of Development Studies, focuses on the relationship between hunger, inequality, and power. Underlying nutritional inequalities, Dr. Hossain argues, are inequalities of power—social, economic, or political. The 2017 Global Hunger Index, jointly published by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Concern Worldwide, and Welthungerhilfe, tracks the state of hunger worldwide, spotlighting those places where action to address hunger is most urgently needed. This year’s index shows mixed results: Despite a decline in hunger over the long term, the global level remains high, with great differences not only among countries but also within countries. For example, at a national level, Central African Republic (CAR) has extremely alarming levels of hunger and is ranked highest of all countries with GHI scores in the report. While CAR made no progress in reducing hunger over the past 17 years—its GHI score from 2000 is the same as in 2017—14 other countries reduced their GHI scores by more than 50 percent over the same period. At the subnational level, inequalities of hunger are often obscured by national averages. In northeast Nigeria, 4.5 million people are experiencing or are at risk of famine while the rest of the country is relatively food secure. This year’s report also highlights trends related to child stunting in selected countries including Afghanistan, where rates vary dramatically—from 24.3 percent of children in some parts of the country to 70.8 percent in others. While the world has committed to reaching Zero Hunger by 2030, the fact that over 20 million people are currently at risk of famine shows how far we are from realizing this vision. As we fight the scourge of hunger across the globe, we must understand how inequality contributes to it. To ensure that those who are affected by inequality can demand change from national governments and international organizations and hold them to account, we must understand and redress power imbalances. This is crucial if we are to reach the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 and end hunger forever ” ( http://www.globalhungerindex.org/pdf/en/2017.pdf)

2017 Global Hunger Index. Retrived from http://www.Globalhunge rindex.org/pdf/en/2017.pdf.27,01,2018



Soil Pollution / Kardelen İKİZCELİ

Soil Pollution


İklim Değişikliğinin Etkilerini Azaltmak/ NAZLI ATINÇOĞLU

İklim değişikliğinin etkilerinin hafifletilmesi, yalnızca sanayinin hedefleri karşılaması ya da bu hedeflerin ötesine geçmesiyle ilgili değildir. Ulusal, yerel ve bireysel düzeyde de yapmamız gerekenler vardır. Özellikle şehirler ve haneler emisyonları azaltmak için harekete geçmelidir.
Şehirler iklim değişikliğine karşı mücadelede en ön sırada yer alır. 2015'in Mart ayında, 30 Avrupa kentinin lideri her yıl 10 milyar Euro değerindeki kolektif satın alma gücünü ulaşım, yerel ısınma ve enerji tedariki gibi emisyon bakımından yoğun sektörlerde çevre dostu mallar ve hizmetlerin satın alınması için kullanma konusunda anlaşmaya vardı. Bu girişim, yerel ve bölgesel otoritelerin kendi topraklarında enerji verimliliğini ve yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarının kullanımını artırma konusunda taahhüt verdikleri bir Avrupa hareketi olan Belediye Başkanları Sözleşmesini tamamlamaktadır. Halihazırda 6.279 imzacısı olan bu sözleşmenin amacı, AB'nin 2020 itibariyle %20 oranında emisyon azaltımı hedefini karşılamak ve bunun ötesine geçmektir.
Haneler de hayati önemdedir. Tüketim şekilleri, emisyonları doğrudan ve dolaylı olarak etkileyebilir. 2000 ve 2007 yılları arasında, haneler, harcanan Euro başına çevre üzerinde daha az olumsuz etkisi olan malları ve hizmetleri satın aldı. Bu dönemde, özellikle, daha çevre dostu barınma, su, ulaşım, gıda, alkolsüz içecekler, elektrik ve diğer yakıtlar satın alındı. Ancak, bu tüketim kategorilerinin birçoğunda toplam giderlerdeki artış, kazanımlar ile dengelemiş olabilir.
Tüketimdeki bu tür değişiklikler, üretim süreçleri ve hizmetlerdeki gelişmelerin yanı sıra, ölçülen tüm tüketim kategorilerinde sera gazı emisyonlarının azaltılmasıyla sonuçlandı. Ancak, küresel tüketim genel olarak artmaya devam ederse, daha etkin kazanımlara ve daha çevre dostu bir tüketime doğru bir kaymaya ihtiyaç vardır. Ayrıca, AB dışında üretilen malların Avrupa'da tüketilmesinin etkisi de göz ardı edilemez.

Ali EREN Narlıkuyu Primary School Silifke/MERSİN

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